The Future as seen in The Adventures of Alibi Jones by Mike Luoma
The Adventures of Alibi Jones occur in the 22nd century. Alibi Jones is the son of Bernard Campion, aka BC, the former Vatican Assassin who became the first Prime Representative and founder of the Solar Alliance after the Eldred war. Because of the circumstances, we actually know when Alibi was conceived – during events in the novel Vatican Assassin, when BC and Alibi's mother Ruth Kim first met and got to know each other on Fortune Station.
Alibi Jones' Timeline
Alibi Jones born. At first, his father Bernard Campion did not know he had a son. Ruth didn't tell BC about the pregnancy or the birth.
When Alibi Jones was three years old, his mother took him to meet his father. Ruth then shot and killed Bernard Campion with Alibi present. Ruth Kim was arrested and committed, locked up for Campion's murder. Alibi was placed in the custody of Campion's fiancé Anita Capituna, new Prime Representative of the Solar Alliance. (Seen in Alibi Jones: Father's Day in The Adventures of Alibi Jones #1 comic book and heard in The Adventures of Alibi Jones: Six Short Stories).
2114 - 2133
Alibi Jones grew up as the foster son of Anita Capituna, his "Aunt" Anita, mostly on Ceres Central but also, for a few months here and there, in other places - she toured the Solar Alliance over the course of her nearly twenty year tenure as Prime Rep. Alibi adopted the surname "Jones" because he didn't wish to take either his father's or his mother's last name.
As Capituna was the leader of the Solar Alliance, the Prime Representative, Alibi enjoyed a somewhat privileged upbringing – good schools, university, prime gig in the Solar Alliance Interplanetary Force – the SAIF – after graduation, in the Mediation Corps. He trained in negotiations and conflict resolution.
Anita stepped down as the Prime Rep in 2131. She retired to Ceres Central, where she was then elected Governor. Alibi was assigned to Cat's Eye, out of the SAIF base at the human colony's port.
Alibi took on his first major assignments in the Mediation Corps. He negotiated a trade deal between the Dakhur and the Flaze (shown later to have problems...). Alibi often filled in for his aunt at functions she couldn't attend. Alibi ran into an old flame, Shirra, at one such party. What she and her partner were selling didn't smell right to him. He investigated... (As seen in Alibi Jones: Blind Eye in The Adventures of Alibi Jones #1 comic book and heard in The Adventures of Alibi Jones: Six Short Stories).
Calling on an old friend after finishing some negotiation work, Alibi found his former teacher had been kidnapped! When he tried to track her down, Alibi uncovered a Tek'Tah operation providing human specimens for experimentation to a surviving member of a race thought eons-dead - the Ancient Enemy! Long gone evils somehow returned, and soon were going after Alibi Jones! Alibi met Kit the Dakhur, and humans Coy Piccolo and his "sister" Katie Ramsey. Alibi and Katie later began seeing each other. (As seen in the first novel Alibi Jones).


Alibi and Katie dated for a while, but their relationship ran hot and cold. For a break together, they visited Alibi's Dakhur friend Kit at his new diplomatic assignment on the planet called "Paradise". It didn't live up to the name. (As seen in Alibi Jones: Vacation in The Adventures of Alibi Jones #2 comic book and heard in The Adventures of Alibi Jones: Six Short Stories).
Although no longer a couple, Alibi and Katie attended Kit and his mate-to-be Trish's Joining Ceremony together – equivalent to a Dakhur wedding. The joyous occasion was marred when thugs invaded, shot up the reception and kidnapped Katie, killing Dakhur in the process, including Kit's new lifemate. The kidnappers worked for a man who claimed to own Katie, Rene Laveillur, a crime lord who owned, among other things, his own colony world – Kismet. Prohibited from stepping foot on Kismet, Alibi instead decided to search for a Dakhur artifact lost in the fray, the Sunrise of Hur, which disappeared after the ceremony. (As seen in the second novel, Alibi Jones and The Sunrise of Hur).

Also at this time, Alibi visited the aquatic race the Kee'Klick on their world Kee'ere. Getting to know a new alien race can be a tricky business. (As seen in "Alibi Jones In Over His Head" - which occurs during the events of Alibi Jones and The Sunrise of Hur and can be found in The Adventures of Alibi Jones #1 comic book and heard in The Adventures of Alibi Jones: Six Short Stories).

After Alibi and Katie went their separate ways, and Kit left to do his own thing, Alibi found himself alone. His Aunt Anita invited him to stay with her on Ceres Central for a bit of R&R. Alibi figured the change of location might do him some good. While staying at his aunt's, Alibi's old flame Shirra showed up with a device stolen from the time-travelling race called The Devrizium. Triggering the device, Alibi somehow became a target for the aliens – the Time War of The Devrizium had begun!
For their own arcane reasons, The Devrizium decided Alibi Jones had to be removed from the timestream. When The Devrizium first attacked, Alibi couldn't be sure which reality he was living in, which timeline was real. He tried to sort it out with the help of his friends. After a later attack by The Devrizium, Alibi woke up an old man. But he didn't remember growing old.
The shifting timelines of The Time War of The Devrizium make charting this part of Alibi's life an iffy proposition. But by late 2138 things seemed to have settled down. (As seen in short stories "About Time", "Remember Two Things", "Memory, Yet Green", and "The Last Time Battle" in Alibi Jones and the Time War of The Devrizium).

A strange character Alibi met when searching for The Sunrise of Hur sought Alibi out. Finder looked him up with a strange mission request - he said Alibi was the only one who could find an alien artifact known as the Wishing Stone. (As seen in The Wishing Stone – in The Adventures of Alibi Jones #2 comic book and heard in The Adventures of Alibi Jones: Six Short Stories).
2138 - 2139
Word spread of Alibi's role in the destruction of Kismet. The new Solar Alliance administration seemd to be out to get him personally. His planetary destruction caught up with Alibi and forced him out of the SAIF Mediation Corps into Covert Ops, putting him out beyond the borders on the Fringe of Solar Alliance territory, home to interplanetary Godfathers – and possibly Ghost Ships!
Alibi and his crew investigated sightings of a ghost ship – a hulking alien vessel spotted in remote deep space along with the apparition of an SAIF pilot pleading "Don't let me die AGAIN!" (As seen in the third novel Alibi Jones and the Hornet's Nest.)

The Future of the Future - for now. In the works - Alibi Jones and the Star Seeds of Earth (working title). Chronicling Alibi's controversial search for Earth's original Star Seed - the vessel that brought the DNA of the Ancient Enemy to the planet!
Map of ALIBI JONES' Known Universe - Print by Mike Luoma
Put ALIBI JONES' Universe on your wall!
A Pen and Digital Original by Mike Luoma
(Click on the Image to Go To A Larger Version)